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FT-IR: The myth of infrared spectroscopy

FT-IR: The myth of infrared spectroscopy - FT-IR: The myth of infrared spectroscopy

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OilDoc Academy
Price on request

What is the small diagram on the lab report all about?
What can I recognise from this?
Is infrared spectroscopy really one of the most efficient methods of oil monitoring?
What does the unit “A/cm”, in which the oxidation is indicated on the report, mean?
How critical is this value?

Our one-hour online training provides a brief overview of why IR spectroscopy is indeed part of any routine oil monitoring programme and what you can learn from the results.

FT-IR: The myth of infrared spectroscopy


  • How IR spectroscopy works and what it can tell us
  • Which standardised IR parameters for oil monitoring say what?
  • What else can IR spectroscopy do?
  • How does it work together with the other processes?
  • Examples

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Your participation in the online trainin

All you need is…

  • DSL internet connection.
  • a current Internet browser with Flash Player.
  • a headset or loudspeakers.
  • and one hour of time.

The Adobe Connect app for your tablet or smartphone is free and available in the usual stores:

Services included in the price:

  • Participation in training
  • Recording as stream
  • Presentation as PDF

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