Insulating fluids and transformer oils not only have to fulfil a variety of tasks. They also serve as a reliable source of information for checking the condition of your oil and the transformer.
Transformers are among the most important elements of the energy supply. Their reliable function and efficiency are the cornerstones of economic efficiency. Intelligent monitoring strategies help to recognise faults as early as possible and respond professionally. Transformers, Schlater or even cables now operate in climatically extreme areas and under increasingly adverse environmental conditions. At the same time, they are required to maximise operational reliability, ever greater flexibility and a long service life. The requirements for the insulating liquids grow accordingly.
In our practice-oriented intensive training course, you will learn how to effectively monitor insulating fluids and which test methods provide meaningful analysis results for the condition of your transformer oil and the transformer. The earliest possible response is particularly important for highly specialised components such as power transformers. This ensures that the energy supply is both reliable and cost-effective.
During the event, you will learn everything you need to know about the properties, selection and handling of insulating fluids and transformer oils in a compact format. You will use practical examples to train their monitoring and the professional evaluation of analysis results.
Your benefit
- You will learn all about the requirements for modern insulating fluids.
- You know how to extend the service life of your oil and system with better oil care and optimised fluid management.
- They use oil analyses as information carriers for condition monitoring.
- They clarify the causes of damage and failures.
- You can easily assess the influence of impurities.
- They know how to take meaningful oil samples.
- You can professionally assess analysis results.
Target Group
- Specialists and managers in the maintenance and servicing of transformers (transformers for short) and electrical machines and systems
- Technical and sales consultants from manufacturers of insulating fluids and transformer oils and their sales partners
- Technical purchasers for lubricants and operating fluids
- Specialists from the service and sales departments of transformer manufacturers
- Appraisors and surveyors for damage analysis and machine malfunction
- Specialists and managers from oil maintenance, oil monitoring and other areas who want to expand or update their technical application knowledge of insulating fluids and oil analysis