The most important facts in brief:
Oil can actually speak! Professional oil analyses decode the messages contained in just a few millilitres of oil regarding the oil condition, contamination and the content of wear elements. They not only provide information on whether an oil change is advisable or whether the oil needs to be filtered. Anomalous wear conditions indicate whether damage is imminent and thus provide the opportunity to react at an early stage. As simple and obvious as this principle is, there are a few pitfalls for practitioners to avoid.
A range of different numerical values can be found on a laboratory report. “What do they mean for my application?” or “What do I need to do now?” are typical questions that an oil analysis should answer. No one else knows their machine as well as the person who operates and maintains it. The figures on the lab report, on the other hand, are alien to him.
The online training series is designed to help practitioners better understand the sum of the oil changes and interpret the laboratory values taking into account their specific application. A large number of real-life case studies ensure a high degree of practical relevance and applicability in everyday life.