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The CLS (Certified Lubrication Specialist) lubricant specialist

A Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) is a person who wishes to hold the title of ‘Lubrication Engineer’ with their employer or within the industry. The job description for the CLS Lubrication Specialist may include the following elements. The CLS certificate also covers other functions that belong to the field of tribology.

Tasks of a certified lubricant specialist (CLS) in the company:

  • Selects the lubricants required for the operation of lubricated components in a system, machine or engine.
  • Is responsible for variety simplification, i.e. it specifies products with neutral specifications and supplies the product designations of the manufacturers in question.
  • Defines the intervals for lubricant checks, oil changes, relubrication intervals for greases or necessary filter changes.
  • Supports the lubricant purchasing department in the selection of possible suppliers. Names products that can be used on the basis of the same specification.
  • Specifies lubricants and establishes lubricant selection procedures for the procurement or installation of new equipment.
  • Trains the operating personnel responsible for lubrication. Creates work plans for regular lubricant maintenance work.
  • Selects suitable lubrication methods (centralised or loss lubrication), modifies existing relubrication systems.
  • Develops internal quality standards for lubricants and lubrication processes.
  • Introduces a used oil analysis programme and monitors the analysis results.
  • Monitors the collection, recycling or destruction of used oil in connection with oil changes
  • Make sure that the larger oil filling quantities in particular can remain in use for as long as possible for economic and environmental reasons.
  • Ensures that as few types of lubricant as possible are present in the bearing in economically justifiable quantities.
  • Is responsible for the labelling of lubricants for the respective areas of application.
  • Clarifies possible lubricant-related faults in connection with damage or problems and eliminates their cause.
  • Supports the sales staff of lubricant, filter or lubrication device manufacturers.
The CLS (Certified Lubrication Specialist) certificate

The internationally recognised ‘Certified Lubrication Specialist’ certificate is highly valued in the industry. The CLS certificate shows the difference between a credible and certified professional and a self-proclaimed expert.

It is a globally recognised independent certificate for lubricant experts. It stands for above-average knowledge in the field of tribology. It stands for comprehensive basic knowledge of lubrication technology and at the same time for profound knowledge of lubricant application.

More than 10 years ago, the STLE (Society of Tribologists and Lubricating Engineers), which has been based in the USA since 1944, was the first institution in the world to introduce an examination that makes it possible to test a candidate’s expertise in terms of their general knowledge of lubrication technology. Currently, only around 1,310 engineers worldwide hold the coveted ‘CLS’ (Certified Lubrication Specialist) certificate. The certificate holder thus demonstrates that he has successfully proven his detailed technical lubrication expertise in a difficult examination.

The STLE certification programmes

The value of STLE certificates, such as the CLS, is undisputed in English-speaking countries. People who have passed the exam have gained respect and credibility as well as a higher income in their lubricant-related work. The STLE certificates are always up to date because they are only valid for three years. After that, they can be renewed for another three years.

The certificates fulfil the requirements of EN ISO 17024 for the certification of persons. The acquisition of nationally and internationally recognised personal certificates based on the European standard EN ISO 17024 proves that the certified persons have a standardised qualification profile and thus have theoretical and practical knowledge that meets the competence requirements of the current labour market in the various professional areas, e.g. in the field of tribology and lubricant technology.

The ‘Certified Lubrication Specialist’ (CLS) is an independent examination for a lubricant specialist that documents a broad knowledge of lubrication technology. The certificate recognises individuals who have both basic knowledge of lubrication technology and at the same time knowledge of lubricant application and the importance of lubricants in the industry.

Our successful CLS graduates:

The internationally recognised CLS certificate ‘Certified Lubrication Specialist’ is highly valued in the industry. It stands for above-average knowledge in the field of tribology and lubrication technology. In order to pass, participants must demonstrate their extensive basic knowledge of lubrication technology and in-depth knowledge of lubricant application in an examination lasting several hours.

Around 1,310 engineers worldwide currently hold the coveted ‘CLS’ certificate.
However, 40% of participants are not certified at the first attempt.

Thanks to the targeted and intensive preparation in our four-day ‘Expert knowledge for lubricant professionals’ certificate courses, 98% of the participants we have prepared have so far passed on their first attempt!


Our successful CLS graduates:

Firma Name
A.F. Bauer GmbH Alexander Fiedler
AC2T Research GmbH Andreas Trausmuth
AMAG rolling GmbH Josef Leimhofer
Andritz AG Dr. Christoph Auner
Aurubis AG Dirk Kubler
AVIA AG Michael Lindner
Axel Christiernsson BV Dennis Eijdenberg
Basell Polyolefine GmbH Uwe Deinum
BASF SE Aleksandra Gwozdz
BASF SE Thorsten Schöppe
Bilfinger Spezialtiefbau GmbH Gerd Beutel
BOMAG GmbH Jens-Martin Zehbe
BOMAG GmbH Markus Forster
Bosch Rexroth AG Olaf Voigt
BP Europa SE Robert Lehmann
Bremer & Leguil GmbH Jochen Overkamp
Bremer & Leguil GmbH Manuel Kaiser
Bremer & Leguil GmbH Markus Gottschlich
C + M GmbH Mike Essen
Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co.KG Ole Ohrt
Chevron Belgium NV Amos Sebrechts
Chevron Netherlands B.V. Onno J. Dijkstra
Chevron Products UK Ltd. Andrew Moseley
CONDAT GmbH Christoph Baumann
COWI A/S Jesper Vinther
Deutsche Bahn AG Mirko Kosyra
ECOL Sp. z.o.o. Piotr Farbiszewski
ECOL Sp. z.o.o. Krzystof Plonka
ENERTRAG Service GmbH Joachim Münn
ENGIE Kraftwerk Wilhelmshaven Betriebs GmbH & Co. KGaA Aiko Leerhoff
Eni Schmiertechnik GmbH Klaus Turnwald
Erik Becker Ölpflegesysteme und Analysen E.K. Erik Becker
Eurol B.V. Remy Huijnen
Eurol B.V. Mathijs Bosman
Eurolub GmbH Andreas Lindner
Eurolub GmbH Jörg Voiges
Eurolub GmbH Michael Dormoolen
Eurolub GmbH Naser Dullaj
Eurolub GmbH Ozgur Ergun
Eurolub GmbH Pierre Böhringer
Federal Mogul Wiesbaden GmbH Thomas Aubele
Fluid Industrieservice Rojano Francisco Jose Rojano Morales
Genol Gesellschaft m.b.H Josef Diesner
G-H-V AG Joachim Wainer
GKN Driveline GmbH Jörg Berlingen
GKN Driveline GmbH Darius Engel
GKN Driveline GmbH Lars Grünwald
GKN Driveline GmbH Thorsten Harde
GKN Driveline GmbH Christoph Lindlahr
GKN Driveline GmbH Stefanie Rosenkranz
GKN Driveline GmbH Ding Wang
H & R Bellersheim GmbH Steffen Doerner
H.G.S GmbH Waldemar Wagner
Hansa-Flex AG Uwe Gätgens
Hansa-Flex AG Burkard Issing
Hansa-Flex AG Jörg Kaineder
Hansa-Flex AG Tim Seidel
Helios Lubeoil Jasmine Busse
Hermann Bantleon GmbH Maximilian Baur
Hermann Bantleon GmbH Petra Ostertag
Hermann Bantleon GmbH Ralf Salzmann
Herrenknecht AG Thomas Jülg
Hilti Corporation AG Jens Kondratiuk
Hy-Pro Filtration Patrick Kreutzer
InfraServ Gendorf Ztechnik GmbH Werner Pfeifenthaler
Invicta AS Kevin Hughes
I-care Deutschland GmbH Patrick Fonteyne
John Deere GmbH&Co.KG Nicolas Huber
KAO Chemicals GmbH Thomas Myrdek
KHS GmbH Sören Brill
Kleentek, Spol. S.R.O. Jan Novák
Klüber Lubrication AG Schweiz Marco Buchwalder
Klüber Lubrication Austria GmbH Markus Mair
Knauber Mineralöl GmbH & Co. KG Thomas Lepka
Knorr-Bremse Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH Benjamin Heine
Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH Philip Pearce
Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH Jens Albrecht
Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH Hermann Huber
Kühne + Nagel Euroshipping GmbH Michael Beyer
Leu Energie GmbH & Co. KG Kornelia Heise
Linde AG – Gases Division Ulf Obkircher
LubeServ Steffen Bots
LUKOIL Lubricants Europe GmbH Alexander Berthold
LUKOIL Lubricants Europe GmbH Marcus Makowsky
LUKOIL Lubricants Europe GmbH Stefan Tasch
Lukoil Lubricants Europe Oy Peter Winkowitsch
Maier & Korduletsch Schmierstoff GmbH Ralf Kleinert
MAN Truck & Bus AG Andreas Weigert
MAN Truck & Bus AG Fabian Bauer
MAN Truck & Bus AG Steffen Hollatz
Martechnic GmbH Oliver Brandt
MONTANA Energie-Handel GmbH & Co. Stefan Mayr
OELCHECK GmbH Andy Böhme
OELCHECK GmbH Carsten Heine
OELCHECK GmbH Christopher Vinzenz Wolter
OELCHECK GmbH Daniel Rossow
OELCHECK GmbH Marcel Giehl
OELCHECK GmbH Markus Schütz
OELCHECK GmbH Matthias Assmann
OELCHECK GmbH Max Schuldeis
OELCHECK GmbH Rainer Schöpf
OELCHECK GmbH Stefan Mitterer
OELCHECK GmbH Christof Rössner
OELCHECK GmbH Arne Simon
OELCHECK GmbH Dr. Christoph Heinzl
OELCHECK GmbH Dr. Christoph Rohbogner
OELCHECK GmbH Benedikt Fuchs
OELCHECK GmbH Sina Malenke
OELCHECK GmbH Daniel Hilpert
OELCHECK GmbH Dominik Drenkard
OELCHECK GmbH Marie-Theres Stephan
OELCHECK GmbH Florian Wenning
OELCHECK GmbH Dominik Bohnert
OilDoc GmbH Rüdiger Krethe
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Rüdiger Schiffer
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Haik Abrahamian
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Tobias Bosch
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Caneilles Didier
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Bernhard Finke
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Manfred Geyer
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Christian Göggelmann
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Marlies Gravogl
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Steve Löffler
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Frank Rottpeter
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Ludwig Schäffer
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Joachim Scheuring
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Timo Schmidt
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Anja Schroter
OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH Cristian Hernando Vargas Zambrano
perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG Andreas Pfeiffer
perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG Thomas Kliem
perma-tec GmbH & Co. KG Jens Weingart
Petro-Canada Lubricants Europe Luis Rodriguez
Petro-Canada Lubricants Europe Sean G. Mooney
Pfleiderer Leutkirch GmbH Tilo Milde
REINTJES GmbH Andreas Loch
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co. KG Björn Ulrichsohn
Sachverstandigen Büro Jürgen Stieglitz Jürgen Stieglitz
Sappi Ehingen GmbH Andreas Rapp
Sasol Germany GmbH Michael Stuhr
Schuster & Sohn KG Christian Appel
Schuster & Sohn KG Stefan Baus
SIEMENS AG Norbert Stradmann
SIEMENS Energy Global GmbH & Co.KG Jan Reinschmidt
SKF GmbH Jens Beck
SNR Wälzlager GmbH Martin Sommer
Solvadis Chemag GmbH Michael Stuhr
Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG Andrea Heringloh
ThyssenKrupp Dynamic Components Ilsenburg GmbH Marcel Wiehle
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Tobias Grabowski
Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG Torsten Schumann
TLT-Turbo GmbH Frank Kinzer
Tribotecc GmbH Lorraine Segreto
Tributech GmbH Christoph Drenker
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH Martin Winterstein
Van Meeuwen Lubrication B.V. Taco Mets
Veritas Petroleum Services Eugene Hoogendoorn
Voestalpine Stahl GmbH Karl Adam
Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut für Werk- und Betriebsstoffe Matthias Falk
Wieland-Werke AG Patrick Abt
Woodward L’Orange GmbH Christof Keck
ZF Friedrichshafen AG Andre Lang
ZF Industrieantriebe Witten GmbH Björn Buchholz