Flame-retardant hydraulic fluids have been available in various versions for decades.
On the one hand, there are the water-based types such as HFA, HFB and HFC. On the anhydrous side, there are different types of HFD fluids. The types differ considerably in their composition and therefore also in their properties and not least in their areas of application. In recent years, new technologies have been developed, particularly in the field of anhydrous liquids, which significantly increase the performance and application profile.
The seminar takes a close look at today’s flame-retardant hydraulic fluids, demonstrating their technical performance, wide range of applications and potential. Tips on the professional handling of hydraulic fluids, including efficient oil monitoring and maintenance as well as many practical examples round off this seminar.
Target group:
- Sales consultants and engineers from oil companies and their sales partners
- Users of lubricants with special safety requirements, e.g. in the mining, steel and metallurgical industries and in power generation
- Engineers from the design and customer service departments of machine manufacturers
- Oil monitoring and oil maintenance specialists