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Lubrication and condition monitoring for gas engines

Lubrication and condition monitoring for gas engines - Seminar (2 days)

18.03.2025 09:00
19.03.2025 16:30
850.00 € plus VAT
18.03.2025 09:00
19.03.2025 16:30
Live video stream
790.00 € plus VAT
11.11.2025 09:00
12.11.2025 16:30
850.00 € plus VAT
11.11.2025 09:00
12.11.2025 16:30
Live video stream
790.00 € plus VAT
11.02.2026 09:00
12.02.2026 16:30
850.00 € plus VAT
11.02.2026 09:00
12.02.2026 16:30
Live video stream
790.00 € plus VAT
14.10.2026 09:00
15.10.2026 16:30
850.00 € plus VAT
14.10.2026 09:00
15.10.2026 16:30
Live video stream
790.00 € plus VAT
Appointment on request
Location as desired
5,400.00 € plus VAT

Whether in large combined heat and power plants or biogas plants, stationary gas engines supply clean energy. Your gas engine oils are exposed to the highest stresses. In our seminar, you will learn about the lubrication of gas engines, the effects of gas type and gas quality as well as operational influences on engine oils. We also deal with biogenic fuels (ignition jet engines) and the analysis of cooling water.

A particular focus is the analysis of gas engine oils. It can be used to reliably determine the quality and duration of the gas engine oils used to meet the challenges in each case. The analyses also provide information on the condition of the engines.

Target Group

  • Skilled employees and executives from operations and maintenance of natural- or biogas engine -block heat and power plant
  • Mechanics and service technicians of motor, components and construction producers and their service partners
  • Skilled employees of maintenance and service companies
  • Distribution engineers and sales staff of lubricant producers and their resellers
  • Authorized experts for failure analysis of biogas-plants, block heat and power plants or combustion engines
  • Specialists and service staff working in the fields oil filtration, fluid service and condition monitoring
  • Technical purchasers of lubricants and operating materials
  • Technically interested employees who want to extend their knowledge in the areas lubrication techniques and tribology


  • Selection of the best suitable gas engine oil for an economic and reliable plant operation
  • Get to know the impact of gas type and quality on the service life of the oil filling and the engine
  • Extraction of meaningful oil samples
  • Extension of oil changing intervals
  • Early recognition of unusual wear and failures
  • Investigation of causes of faliure after breakdowns
  • Oil analysis in pro-active maintenance
  • Interpretation of lab reports
  • Warning values for evaluation of machine damages and oil condition
Seminar (2 days)


Lubrication, Friction and Wear

  • Lubrication and Formation of lubricating film
  • Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic lubrication
  • Importance of viscosity and temperature
  • Mechanisms of wear and their causes

Fundamentals of lubricants

  • Mineral oils, partially synthetic and synthetic oils in comparison
  • Charactersitics and areas of application of Mineral oils, hydrocrack, PAO, Ester oils and polyglycols, especially in the area of greases
  • Types, active principle and application of lubricants addtives
  • Grease thickener: Soap based and soap-free thickener, characteristic and important applications of particular thickener

Lubricants for gas engines

  • Requirements and characteristics
  • Specialities of gas engines in comparison to conventional Otto and diesel engines
  • Different types of construction and their specific oil requirements
  • Types of gas engine oils and their areas of application
  • Additive application, ash content and alkalinity
  • Suitability for systems for after-systems of exhaust gases
  • Specification and approval

Operational alterations of lubricating oils

  • Application-specific strain and oil aeging
  • Oil oxidation, nitration and cracking
  • Interpretation of AN, BN and i-pH
  • Reduction of antioxidants and other additives
  • Contamination through water, dust, soot, sludge, fuel
  • Input of combustion residues and their impact
  • Visible changes: cloudiness, contamination and phase separation

Impact of gas type and quality

  • Gas types and their special characteristics
  • Complementary and replacement gas: natural gas, biologic gas, sewage gas, landfill gas, mine gas, wood gas
  • Gas quality and gas purification

Pecularities of biogenic fuels (pilot-injection engine)

  • RME/Biodiesel, plant oils: cpecial characteristics
  • Impact on engines in comparison to conventional fuels
  • Reduction and optimization of oil changing intervals

Oil analysis for gas engine oils

  • Oil Analysis
    Why, when, how, how often, how many?
    Methods and devices for sampling
    Required data, grease sampling datasheet
    Online portal: lab report, data entry, enquiries
    Data migration into a maintenance program
  • Analysis techniques
    Analysis sets, areas of application and explanatory power
    Identification of wear characteristic values: element analysis, PQ-Index
    Characteristic values for oil condition: viscosity, oxidation, FTIR analysis
    acid, AN, i-pH, SAN
    Reduction of additives: antioxidants, FTIR and RULER, BN and AN
    Contamination: water, antifreeze agent, pilot-injection fuel, soot, sludge, acids, intermixtures
  • Interpretation of lab report results
    Define warning and Limit values
    Recognize known oil types on lab report
    Interpretation of real lab reports

Event type:



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Services included in the seminar price:

  • Participation in the seminar
  • Hot lunch
    on all days *
  • Coffee/tea and snacks
    during breaks *
  • Non-alcoholic
    beverages during
    seminar *
  • Detailed print documents
    + digital as PDF
  • Certificate of participation
    (*if present in Brannenburg)

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