Lubrication and condition monitoring for gas engines

Next dates:
Basis-Training (3 days)
Appointment upon request! Brannenburg 1.150,00 € + VAT Contact Us!
Workshop (1 day) Previous knowledge required
Appointment upon request! Brannenburg 390,00 € + VAT Contact Us!
event location:

OilDoc GmbH
Kerschelweg 29
83093 Brannenburg

Target group

  • Skilled employees and executives from operations and maintenance of natural- or biogas engine -block heat and power plant
  • Mechanics and service technicians of motor, components and construction producers and their service partners
  • Skilled employees of maintenance and service companies
  • Distribution engineers and sales staff of lubricant producers and their resellers
  • Authorized experts for failure analysis of biogas-plants, block heat and power plants or combustion engines
  • Specialists and service staff working in the fields oil filtration, fluid service and condition monitoring
  • Technical buyers of lubricants and operating fluids
  • Technically interested employees who want to extend their knowledge in the areas lubrication techniques and tribology


  • Selection of the best suitable gas engine oil for an economic and reliable plant operation
  • Get to know the impact of gas type and quality on the service life of the oil filling and the engine
  • Extraction of meaningful oil samples
  • Extension of oil changing intervals
  • Early recognition of unusual wear and failures
  • Investigation of causes of faliure after breakdowns
  • Oil analysis in pro-active maintenance
  • Interpretation of lab reports
  • Warning values for evaluation of machine damages and oil condition

3-days basis-training

Lubrication, Friction and Wear

  • Lubrication and formation of lubricating film
  • Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic lubrication
  • Importance of viscosity and temperature
  • Wear mechanisms and their causes

Fundamentals of lubricants

  • Mineral oils, partially synthetic and synthetic oils in comparison
  • Charactersitics and areas of application of Mineral oils, hydrocrack, PAO, Ester oils and polyglycols
  • Miscibility and compatibilty of different oil types  
  • Types, active principle and application of lubricants addtives

Lubricants for gas engines

  • Requirements and characteristics
  • Specialities of gas engines in comparison to conventional Otto and diesel engines  
  • Different types of construction and their specific oil requirements
  • Types of gas engine oils and their areas of application
  • Additive application, ash content and alkalinity 
  • Suitability for systems for after-systems of exhaust gases
  • Specification and approval

Operational transformations of lubricants

  • Application specific wear and oil ageing
  • Oil oxidation, nitration and cracking
  • Interpretation of AN, BN and i-pH
  • Recduction of antioxidants and other additives
  • Contamination: water, dust, sludge, petrol
  • Input of combustion residues and their impact
  • Visible alterations: cloudiness, varnish, phase separation

Impact of gas type and quality

  • Gas types and their special charactersitics
  • Complementary and replacement gas: natural gas, biologic gas, sewage gas, landfill gas, mine gas, wood gas
  • Gas quality and gas purification

Pecularities of biogenic fuels (pilot-injection engine)

  • RME/Biodiesel, plant oils: characteristics and pecularities
  • Impact on engines in comparison to conventional fuels
  • Reduction and optmization of oil changing intervals

Oil analysis for gas engine oils

  • Oil analysis
     Why, when, how often?
     Methods and devices for sampling
     Required data, sampling datasheet 
     Online portal: lab report, data entry, enquiries
     Data migration into a maintenance program
  • Analysis techniques
    Analysis sets, areas of application and explanatory power
    Identification of wear characteristic values: element analysis, PQ-Index
    Characteristic values for oil condition: viscosity, oxidation, FTIR analysis, acid, AN, i-pH, SAN
    Reduction of additives: antioxidants, FTIR and RULER, BN and AN
    Contamination: water, antifreeze agent, pilot-injection fuel, soot, sludge, acids, intermixtures
  • Interpretation of lab report results
    Define warning and Limit values
    Recognize known oil types on lab report
    Interpretation of real lab reports

1 day workshop

Precondition: Participation in 3-day seminar

Interpretation of lab report results

  • Warning and limit values, trend estimation
  • Damage analysis: Complexity and pattern recognition
  • Recognition of environmental conditions
  • Consideration of application-specific specifications
  • Group work, exercises with lab reports
  • Handling of typical external and internal requests

Additional analysis methods

  • Differences of routine analysis and specific analysis
  • Extended analysis methods for engine oils
  • Ash content, evaporation loss
  • CSS- and HTHS-viscosity
  • Incoming goods control

Oil analysis for clarification of cause of damage

  • Recognition of causes for wear and damages
  • Reasons for abnormal noise, vibration and increased temperature
  • Problems from reality and identification of their causes
  • Continously and suddenly decreasing oil standing times
  • Varnish, sludge formation
  • Reduced filter usage time and filter Blockade
  • Examples

Chances and limits of oil sensors

  • Overview about current state of development
  • Charactersistics and areas of application of specific sensor types
  • Calibration and comparison of sensors via oil analysis

5% discount for more than 3 registrations

Services included:

  • Participation in training
  • Hot lunch on all days
  • Coffee/tea and snacks during breaks
  • Non-alcoholic beverages during training
  • Detailed training material, printed and on USB Memory stick
  • Certificate of participation
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