Control and maintain turbine oils

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Power training (1 day) Previous knowledge required
Appointment upon request! Brannenburg 485,00 € + VAT Contact Us!
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OilDoc GmbH
Kerschelweg 29
83093 Brannenburg

Power training

Turbines generate energy - no matter if it is the generation of electircal energy, the Impetus of turbo compressors, water pumps or other technical plants. Turbines shall work highy efficiently, have a high availability also during extreme permanent load and need to react flexible to the market conditions. New concepts or trends in energy generation bring up special requirements and have to be considered.

International standards and OEM processes have to be adapted to the increased demands on Hardware. The producers of turbine oils can only react to these demands with the input of new base oil technologies in cooperation with matching additive. 

If and how a turbine oil is working under these new conditions can only be seen in reality. A periodic monitoring of turbine oils is a well respected method since decades. Modern turbine oils and the changed conditions require an adaption of the analysis methods and the interpretation of the in the lab detected data.

This 1-day power training shows you how oil analysis, correctly applied, is a reliable tool to monitor plants. Numerous examples from different areas of application guarantee a high transferrability of the transferred knowledge to your daily routine.

Marketsituation turbine oils: Group I, II or III

  • Advantages and disadvantages of base oil types and their references to turbine oil formulations
  • Changed market requirements and impact of base oil and additives
  • Norms and specifications explained briefly

Professional monitoring of turbine oils today

  • Classical oil monitoring parameters can be wrong
  • Consideration and application of oil type
  • Monitoring of additive application and sediment inclination
  • Oil careing concepts

Professional evaluation and interpretation of analysis results 

  • Correct handling of statistical limit values and trend evaluation
  • Recognition of patterns for operational ageing processes
  • Examples from reality from different areas of application

Group work - real examples form the OELCHECK database

  • Individual interpretation of examples in small groups
  • Discussion of the results with the whole group

Services included:

  • Participation in training
  • Hot lunch on all days
  • Coffee/tea and snacks during breaks
  • Non-alcoholic beverages during training
  • Detailed training material, printed and on USB Memory stick
  • Certificate of participation

5% discount for more than 3 registrations

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